Monday, 7 May 2018

Soy Protein-A Food for True Asians

Soy has been a health supplement food from ancient time and it has the capability to substitute meat, dairy products, and poultry. It is complete health food for the heart, bones, blood, and other. Soy protein is the thing vegetarian loves because they found the substitute for meat. This plant-based protein is naturally grown as a vegetable from soybean, a member of the pea family.
Due to its high protein, fiber, and low fat, most vegetarian used it in various form such as milk, tofu, cook it as vegetable or use green vegetable. It increases the protein the body that is beneficial for the heart health. Moreover the, it also provides the body a good amount of lecithin and amino acid that when combined creates a protein that is good for building growth blocks of the body.
Merits of Soy Protein
Every food has some merits and demerits depending on its consumption and quantity. Look at the benefits of soy protein:
  • This is high-quality plant-based protein among another plant-based soy protein supplement. It is considered as best protein source currently available in the market because it has the right quantity of amino acid that best for placing the body in the anabolic state.
  • It is a natural source of vitamins and minerals provide a good dosage of B-complex, phosphorous, zinc, iron, and potassium that have numerous benefits to the body such as strengthening muscles and boosting immunity.
Some of the demerits of soy protein are—it increases the estrogen level in the female that is equivalent to testosterone hormone. It has opposite effect of increasing testosterone hormone in the body. Means it disturbs the hormone balance in a female while PCOD. In case of a male, it results in a decrease in testosterone hormone that sex hormone in the male.